Knitting & Spinning Projects
and Other Mindless Trivia
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Comparisons between 1st and 3rd batch, HAH!
Okay, still working on the Verdant colorway. As my ability to draft Jenny's technique (pretty much a standard technique you see in experienced youtube videos) gets better, my yarn gets thinner.
I wanted to check this as I went, so even though I'm no where near through that 4 oz. of roving, I've done it in three batches.
Thank you daughter, I'm spinning the rest of it thin so I MIGHT have enough for a thin-yarn project. I suspect I'll take the 1st and 2nd batches and combine them into some other project... AFTER I'm sure I don't need to supplement the thinly spun total, that is, since the 2nd batch does have some in it. I'm liking the thin spinning! It's coming easier as I go, too, thanks to your terrific demonstrations.
It's SO pretty. I love it. Cool pictures!
Thank you daughter, I'm spinning the rest of it thin so I MIGHT have enough for a thin-yarn project. I suspect I'll take the 1st and 2nd batches and combine them into some other project... AFTER I'm sure I don't need to supplement the thinly spun total, that is, since the 2nd batch does have some in it. I'm liking the thin spinning! It's coming easier as I go, too, thanks to your terrific demonstrations.
You sure made a yarnie addict out of Yo Mamma!
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