I'm a multi-colored Malabrigo Silky Merino yarn, DK weight and specifically 150yds per 50g. I'm absolutely gorgeous in person because I have a gentle sheen you can't see here, but this is a very good representation of my real colors.

I'm lightweight and soft to the touch right out of the gate, but once I'm washed I'm said to get downright floppy, and also have been known to grow some. My net worth comes to 900 yards, so material considerations are not an issue. I'm spun as a single and we single-spun yarns are known to be unbalanced, but my twist does not seem to be active so with the right shawl (probably any shawl), I should hang straight.
Long walks on the beach and snuggling up in front of the fireplace are fine, but I want to be at home with Jeans or Chinos and a T-shirt, and not look silly going in and out of a supermarket. I think I'd be very compatible for a lace-ISH pattern along the lines of feather & fan, but I could muddy up with an elaborate lace that's too yarnover-intensive. I do not consider myself ideally suited to stockinette, as I am prone to pooling issues.
Built to fit, you're either circular, ranging somewhere between a half and three-quarter circle (seems ideal) OR you're triangular, but (ideally) gently rounded. In no event are you concave between points if triangular so that you have a drastic, boingy long skinny point in the back that hikes up high on the arms between back and side wing points. And an ABSOLUTE MUST! You are curved in some way at the neck so that you fit around shoulders nicely, and without unsightly gaps that require constant fussing or folding. In terms of fit, highest ratings are given to "maintenance free" fit.
As to personality, the ideal mate is at home being tucked under forearms but also just as happy with one side swung over the opposite shoulder. Ideal length seems mid-hip generally (if triangular, point can be lower), but between center back and wing points, you should be able to cover arms for the most part. Circular seems best suited for that, as long as one side can be secured without sacrificing coverage generally. ("Indian Chief Blanket" types would be considered, as long as Linus doesn't come to mind.
Since tastes are subjective, and adjectives leave a lot to interpretation, a picture says a thousand words.
This is one treatment I seem to be compatible with. Please note the lace to the left and right of the center stockinette fill-in. This lace appears to be an offshoot of the standard feather and fan. I do see YO 6 times, but I don't see three K2Tog, nor do I see any garter ridges separating the repeats. That seems to work, it's a very pretty lace, but I have no idea how to do it. (Photos are enlargeable for detail if you click. Sometimes you have to click twice.) Blogspot is glitchy sometimes - back button OR closing enlargement window.. it can vary.


And how that hangs

A view of wing tip on a sample, just FYI and for reference... Again, with the stockinette fill-in that was used.

Now, a little more about the massive amount of stockinette: Note the pooling?

Last but not least, you are NOT this shape!! This shape is perfect for hang gliding and stealth aircraft. Not for wrapping around shoulders, let alone torsos.

What all this leads me to is somewhere between 1/2-3/4 circular shawl, OR a rounded edged triangle that is dipped in the center (neck) perhaps, with the side wings slanted upward (away from the center back point). The lace used in the sample showed off the color changes nicely with minimal, if any, muddying up, and I think it's because this particular feather/fan variation is quite open, without the garter ridge every 4 rows crowding it. If that lace pattern could be used throughout, with little if any stockinette, it seems it would be a casual piece. If "fill-ins" of stockinette are needed, for instance as they are used in the center bottom (point) and the wing points, so be it. In that event, perhaps a small amount surrounding the neck would be okay also. But stockinette en masse does not seem to be ideal because of the pooling tendency.
NEXT DAY, more interviewing for right pattern, and By Jove, I think I've found it. Miami Vice by threebagsfulled on Rav. My swatch of the all over lace pattern... the colors AND sheen in this yarn really seem to be popping. And the shape? The shape. It works. Yay!