Spinning in process... I hate unwieldy sized cops on the shaft, so I'm getting good at splicing onto the storage ball as I go.
Just done with plying: Yield: 158.5 yds. (measurement taken while it was stretched onto the niddy noddy so I'm sure it's less real yardage than that). The whorl on this plying spindle is 3 inches wide. It's a square whorl spindle and we're looking at a flat side. This cop of plied yarn is about at max capacity in my world, however some cop-packing fiberhounds surely would say, "Aww, it's only half full, pfffffft."
My favorite way to photo yarn - freshly plied, and just off the niddy noddy and not yet tamed. This is what they mean when they invariably say, "fibery goodness." Jenny photographed a spin of hers in its uncivilized state like this, and said she'd love to just lie in a whole bed full of the stuff.
I agree. Nekkit!
But what I reeeeeeally think is that this is Yarnie Spirit Guide Spaghetti. Yup, that's what I think, all right. Spirit guides don't have bodies, so they don't have to eat like we do. But since most people really like to eat, it just wouldn't be fair for them not to have something like food. Well, for a Yarnie Spirit Guide, she has to be visual, and I don't think you'd need a body to be visual. So I'm betting when they're done helping the day's Earthling Yarnies ensnaring in unsuspecting non-yarnies into their fold (or might say flock), then instead of hunkering down to a plate of spaghetti and all the bodily functions that entails, without said bodies, they probably get to flop down on a whole huge cloud of freshly plied yarn that's just like right off the niddy noddy, except they have huge amounts of it they can languish around in. Yup, that's what I think, and that's why I think freshly plied yarn right off the niddy noddy looks like this.
Washed, salad-spinnered, snapped, whacked and dried. And it says...
Civilized at last...
Knit me, knit me!"
What a heavenly color and great spin! Looks to be "peachy" in color which of course we both love. I love the amount of yarn you can get on your new spindle too.
It's peachy. Except it's also very toned down. If you made a next-to-skin thing with it (e.g., fingerless gloves) it might turn out to be something you'd have to look twice at to confirm it's something, because it's actually close to skin tones. I see a scrumpty pair of fingerless gloves and/or a snuggly cowl out of it.
Oh so pretty! Whatcha gonna make?
Hey, G... I don't know, I'm trying to figure out what grist it is. Somewhere between DK and Worsted (going by Nancy's KnitKnacks' card which Bellweather agrees with). I'd love fingerless mitts, assuming my first pair gets finished enough to tell if they do warm your hands. Otherwise, a cowl? Scarf? Something that'll show, I love this yarn. Any other ideas?? ;-)
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