Along with my brand new kick-ass Kundert Spindle that Jenny gave me for Christmas to see if I'd like spindling, she gave me a braid of gorgeous blue and white hand-dyed BFL Superwash fiber that she'd bought from The Woolen Rabbit. I LOVED that fiber! So here's the initial stab at my first spin.

The next photo is after I brought my FOUR (4) little balls of spun yarn to Jenny's to be washed and whacked. (It kept falling off the shaft.) We were really short on time, so I told her to just tie the ends together, I'd deal with it later. This is apparently very typical for a first spin -- thick, thin and slubby. As it was hanging to dry, I thought I had slubs throughout that seriously exceeded the staple length (for non-spinning friends, that's the length of each fiber and that would make it easily split apart)...
BUT! When I wound it into a ball, I discovered much to my delight that the really long unspun parts were all at the knots! Yeee-haw! I cannot wait to knit this yarn, the rest of it came out much to my liking. It's going to become a neck warmer (probably ribbed) that has a split at one end that the other end slips through.
This is a single, I got approx. 123 yards out of this 4-oz. braid. And I will treasure it forever as my first spin, and also just as meaningful to me, the result of the best, sweetest Christmas present I've ever received.
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